A Question of Cannibalism
Sabotage Ako
So we FINALLY played another gig here in Ako, at Spooky. It was our 3rd, and last, since Matt goes home tomorrow. Kaz's band, Inkon, played before us, with their new sax player, Kazu 3, and then we tore through this list:

Saboteur outside Spooky. Who said fashion is important?

Inkon. Yas-san, Kazu, Kazu 3 (bassist out of pic). Thanks guys! Especially Y, who lent me his guitar when I inevitably broke a string.

I think this was Pavement's Stereo.


This was definitely Malkums's Baby Cmon, coz I'm still using my guitar.

Saboteur in action.

Our adoring fans! Kaz dancing on the amps was cool.
I think was the encore anthem Come Together.

Hiro and Nate.

I hope they were laughing with us. Maybe at my Japanese.

The bands. SICKSICK!
Thanks Ko-chan for letting us put the gig on and party!
This is Living
On Sunday one of the teachers invited me to his house for dinner. He's a pretty old dude, and I wasn't sure what we would talk about, but it was a good time, and they broke out heaps of cool ultra-Japanesey food; sushi, sashimi, whole fish, prawns, steamed egg custard... I know it wouldn't have been cheap or easy. Thanks, Mr and Mrs Kashino!
His house is out in the countryside in Une and, although it was a bit decrepit in places, I thought it was really nice and comfortable. See what you think.

Rice paddies outside the house.

Inside. All the dead relatives are in photos above the door.


Mrs Kashino and the house.
The Ako summer festival down by the river was last Saturday night. It's always a great atmosphere, but the whole 'rock star' thing of knowing basically everyone under 16 and saying hi and making conversation for 3 hours gets old. Now I know how Britney feels...
Anyway, it was cool. Greasy festival food, dancing, fireworks. Kicked the ass thru Aioi's festival.
Then of course we kicked on, had massive joyous arguments over planetary definitions, dehydration, stretching and Regurgitator, heard many opinions on who was the least-not-hot chick in a japanese porn mag, and generally had a good time in yukatas.
Kanako getting kitted up in her yukata, camo style.
A bunch of lovely shy geishas.
Fireworks, obviously. At the bottom are the many food stalls.
This was a cool curtain/waterfall firework? that stretched across the river.
Everyone was having a good time until this guy's head started exploding.

Check it out. I have my own FAN club. I slay me.
So Long, Thanks For All The Headaches
It's that time of year again. Old friends going back home, disillusioned with red-light-running, no-attention Japan, carting their ill-gained wads of cash and pension checks. New kids coming to town, fresh-faced and full of vigour, like newborn tadpoles before they are eaten alive.
Anyway, thanks everyone for a great 2 years. It was good to meet y'all; I think we were (I was anyway) lucky we got quite a few cool people in our load from Perth way back in '03, and then managed to suck in others on the way. Good luck everyone, stay in touch. Thanks.
Here are some photos to remember us by (plus other shots from the past couple weeks of debauchery). First, the sky buffet ("fake" going away party).

Nate and Hiro. Only time I have ever seen Hiro in a shirt. If he gets married, it will be in a bright yellow T-shirt and a garish bandana.

Mel in her finery.

Shit goes down in the elevator.

Ape man gets loose.

Aaron and Bron. They're not going anywhere but Bron pulls some cool faces in photos.
So does
Aaron, actually.

Becak. Of course.

Matt having a Twinnings.

Fish face gets furious.
And now the ridiculously fun dare party. I got off pretty lucky; just had to drink a glass of grog jumping up and down (painful) and walk around kobe with my finger in my nose (passe).

I think I look like some kind of chipmunk here.

Nick in zen-trance mode in a bar. He had to ignore all extenal stimuli, including having water poured all over him.

And then Dan was his hands for 5 minutes, like that skit on Whose Line. I wouldn't have left my camera there, with Nick taking a forced tequila shot over the top.

Hiro had to challenge randoms to thumb wrestle and buy shots accordingly.

Lorna walking Mel through Kobe.

Rob is a lightweight, apparently.

And the last time I saw these guys. Cheers!