I Love Him
Although the Dockers/Eagles game on the weekend was over by halftime, the last 3 minutes provided some fantastic soundbites from the commentators. Lucky, because the rest of the game they were shocking. Anyway:
"Oh, he's a great young player. I love him."
"Love's a strong word."
Beautiful. Winks in the shower room, playful towel fights, an accidental brush by the lockers. Footy fags.
The second line was either opportunistic rehearsal, or a gem of on-the-spot wit. Ben Cousins eluding a Matthew Carr tackle:
"Cousins runs away from Carr... been a bit of that lately."
Classic. Benny, you're a dog.
You've seen the animals, now eat them!
Taking a night bus from Sapporo to Abashiri saves on accommodation and downtime, so the next step was back to the big city to hike out to the Sapporo Brewery/Museum. Despite appearances to the contrary, it was never used to burn Jews.
The museum was OK; lack of English translations made it all a bit much. The best, as often is the case at these kinds of places, was the retrospective of advertisements and containers through the yeats. Some of the old banners were striking and impressive, and the Sapporo girls also showed interesting changes in style and culture.