Higher learning or slave to society?
Yo, don't stop reading and writing about the posts below, but here's a new one, an open question, or series of questions really.
The more opinions the better, I promise I personally will not abuse any.
Working as a teacher here in Japan, education and the school system have become, naturally, an interest. Often other teachers ask me, "in Australian schools, do you have X?" or "do the students do Y"? And, having no systemised teaching experience back home, and coming from a single private school, often I don't really have an answer.
So, over to youse guys.
1 What do you think of the Australian school system (this one especially directed towards those of us in Japan, having built, I suspect, something of a critical eye)?
and, more importantly,
2 What function(s), if any, do you think school provides, or should provide?
OK. I expect at least a slight degree of intelligent comment from you all here, otherwise it will be pretty apparent that the 12 years + tertiary education you all probably have was a complete waste of time. At least that will probably answer question 2: no function.
Anyway, write whatever you like. Cheers.