The Ako summer festival down by the river was last Saturday night. It's always a great atmosphere, but the whole 'rock star' thing of knowing basically everyone under 16 and saying hi and making conversation for 3 hours gets old. Now I know how Britney feels...
Anyway, it was cool. Greasy festival food, dancing, fireworks. Kicked the ass thru Aioi's festival.
Then of course we kicked on, had massive joyous arguments over planetary definitions, dehydration, stretching and Regurgitator, heard many opinions on who was the least-not-hot chick in a japanese porn mag, and generally had a good time in yukatas.
Kanako getting kitted up in her yukata, camo style.
A bunch of lovely shy geishas.
Fireworks, obviously. At the bottom are the many food stalls.
This was a cool curtain/waterfall firework? that stretched across the river.
Everyone was having a good time until this guy's head started exploding.
Check it out. I have my own FAN club. I slay me.