Sabotage Ako
So we FINALLY played another gig here in Ako, at Spooky. It was our 3rd, and last, since Matt goes home tomorrow. Kaz's band, Inkon, played before us, with their new sax player, Kazu 3, and then we tore through this list:

Saboteur outside Spooky. Who said fashion is important?

Inkon. Yas-san, Kazu, Kazu 3 (bassist out of pic). Thanks guys! Especially Y, who lent me his guitar when I inevitably broke a string.

I think this was Pavement's Stereo.


This was definitely Malkums's Baby Cmon, coz I'm still using my guitar.

Saboteur in action.

Our adoring fans! Kaz dancing on the amps was cool.
I think was the encore anthem Come Together.

Hiro and Nate.

I hope they were laughing with us. Maybe at my Japanese.

The bands. SICKSICK!
Thanks Ko-chan for letting us put the gig on and party!